Hey Queens!
We would like to thank everyone who came out to support us at the Atlanta Black Beauty Expo this past weekend. It was a great success, and we were so excited to showcase our natural hair care products. We had a great time meeting new people and hearing feedback about our products.
Planning for a convention or tradeshow can be a task, but it is so worth it! Most of our interaction with our customers takes place online. Some times, you can't get the full impact of a product until you are able to interact with it. When we were strategizing booth design, we wanted to create a space that was inviting to event-goers. We wanted you all to feel comfortable about trying out BDB hair products in person!
We look forward to mingling with our fellow natural babes more by attending and exhibiting at Local & National conventions centered in the needs of the modern black woman. We believe that attending events like, The Atlanta Black Beauty Expo, allows us the opportunity to have in-person experiences where we can share more in depth details about BDB hair products.
When we mention "in-person experiences", we mean the smell test! One of our favorite things about BHB Hair products would definitely be the scent of our products. We love seeing your reaction after explaining how Imebet formulated the products herself, and made sure a heaven-like scent would be left behind after using. The video below is a clip of a customer doing a smell test for our Moringa Scalp balm - our highest seller last year.
Live Demos are our way to show the audience how the products interact with natural hair. Imebet used her daughters as models. She double-strand twisted her daughters hair the night before using Moringa scalp balm & the styling cream. The next day, she released the curls using the Mega Growth Stimulating oil.
We want to give a special thanks to those of you who stopped by our booth and purchased our products and participated in our FREE Giveaway bags filled with samples & other hair goodies - We truly appreciate your support, and we can't wait to see you all again soon.
If you missed us at this event - don't worry. We will be attending/Exhibiting at World Natural Hair Show by Taliyah Waajid - tap the photo below for more info
See you there <3
Thank you,
Beth Defines Beauty Hair Products